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About Abu Mujahed Ruqyah
Abu Mujahed was born in Amman, Jordan. He lived in Jabal Al
Taj until he and his family moved to Jabal Al Nasr due to the Nakbah in
Palestine in 1967. He recalls witnessing occupation planes bombing the Jordan airport. In 1968, due to conflicts between the Jordanian army and Palestinian militias, Abu Mujahed and his family fled to Jabal Aliyah, where they lived in a cave for a short period. Eventually, they returned to Jabal Al Nasr, where he spent the rest of his life in Jordan.
At the age of 8, a man named Ahmad Atiyah took Abu Mujahed
under his wing, caring for him and teaching him what it means to be a
practicing Muslim. After Ahmad moved away, Abu Mujahed began attending a mosque called Make Bilal, where he met influential scholars such as Abu Abdullah Izzat Khadir, Abu Hashim, and Abu Salah, who were like fathers to him. Another significant figure was Abu Yaman, who greatly influenced Abu Mujahed's manners and knowledge.

During this time, Abu Mujahed met Sheikh Albani weekly with his good friends, a practice that continued for over ten years. He attended Raghadan High School and graduated before going on to study computer science at Al Khawarizmi College. After completing his studies, he served in the Jordanian army for two years, working in the computer sector. Following his service, he worked at Radio Shack for a short period before moving to the United States.
Upon arriving in the United States, Abu Mujahed faced several challenges, including losing important documents and money. He met Sheikh Jamal at Mosque Foundation in Bridgeview, Illinois, where he slept for about a month until he found roommates and started working as a taxi driver and in a cleaning service. Soon after, he got married and resumed teaching topics such as Aqeeda, Fiqh, Mustalah Hadith, and Usool Al Fiqh, just as he did in Jordan.
Abu Mujahed moved with his family to Florida to work as an imam at the Daytona Beach Islamic Center. Later, he returned to Chicago, where he started learning Ruqyah Shariyah under Sheikh Abd Al Aziz, who taught him the basics of Ruqyah. He also traveled to Ohio multiple times to study under Dr. Al Omari, who taught him Hijamah and more Ruqyah.
During this period, Abu Mujahed performed Umrah and purchased numerous books on Ruqyah to deepen his knowledge. He connected with many other raqis, such as Sheikh Omar Al Atifi, Sheikh Yusuf Al Sini, Sheikh Abu Yusuf, and Sheikh Khalid Al Habashi, learning from them through various groups like Al Itihad Alalami Lilruqah and Tib Al Ruqyah wa Uloomiha. Initially, he treated people without charge, but as his family and expenses grew, he made Ruqyah his full-time profession, which he continues to practice today.
Abu Mujahed is active on social media platforms like TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, and WhatsApp, where he teaches about Ruqyah. He also plans to start teaching Ruqyah formally soon, inshallah.